Calling All Aliens!

Calling All Aliens!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday, 3/16/10

Today, we estimated the size of nanobacteria, bacteria, viruses, and eukaryote cells. We found that if the virus was about 4 cm in size, the eukaryote would be longer than a school bus, 2 cars back to back, Eartha, and the arm of the Statue of Liberty! How's that for size!?

Tomorrow, most will be taking the NWEA again and then we'll be doing the constructed response. We will continue to work on our long-term research and starting to think in terms of our presentations on Friday, March 26th to Dr. Lockwood. Can you identify Zach's critter below? Start thinking about this and the field guide pages from your site. We will make a book for the class (maybe we could bind it and put it in the library??)

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