Calling All Aliens!

Calling All Aliens!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

This is day 2 of our Astro blog. The photos are of one of our photosynthesis experiments. We left geranium leaves in sunlight and some covered in black paper. We soaked the leaves in warm alcohol and then tested them for the presence of starch (indicating that photosynthesis had taken place) with iodine. The leaf left in the sun tested positive for starch! Very cool!

Today, we are sketching cells,checking in for our long term observations, and finishing the photosynthesis experiments...multitasking!

Will, your group is going to "take you to the site" to show you what's going on!

We miss you and are thinking about you!

Oh, and the other photo is our lit block group. We're reading Home of the Braves.

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