Calling All Aliens!

Calling All Aliens!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday, 5/27

Today we were visited by an alien being that we, henceforth named "Fred." We tood MANY photographs of our alien, Fred, for you to observe. We also came into possession of a strange metal sphere....a perfect sphere. It is a mystery we must solve....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, 5/18

Today, we had a special guest speaker, Dr. Monroe Duboise of the University of Southern Maine. He spoke to us about his research in viruses and extremophiles and showed us photos taken with his scanning electron microscope. He wants to come back and bring his portable SEM!

Thanks, Dr. Duboise!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday, 5/11/10

Today, we looked at lunar habitability AND the REAL pieces of the moon! Everyone is working on their symposium projects, but we also are doing activities for each of the chapters of the book.

We also have another guest speaker next Tuesday, 5/18. His name is Dr. Monroe Duboise. I would like all students to look him up to get an idea of the type of research he does so that we can ask some intelligent questions! :)

PS The mural looks great!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3rd

Hi Will,

Have a BLAST in China! We'll miss you!

Ms. B

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Planning time 4/25

This week, we will be planning, in detail for the Symposium on June 4th. We will also be studying the history of life on Earth using a timeline. Take a look at our new plant growth chamber in back of the room. Don't forget to bring in egg crates or those little plant pots that a "pony pack of plants" come in!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday, 4/14

I haven' t been very good about keeping up the blog....but for a GOOD reason....WILL'S BACK! We are so happy, too! We are now doing our proposals for our 2nd Annual Astrobiology Symposium. We have 2 authors of our textbook will be sharing our final projects (a sort of "final exam" for Astro) along with many principals (BJHS, BHS, and Coffin), and other dignitaries. The date will be Friday, June 4th during 1st and part of 2nd period in the BJHS gym.

We can't WAIT!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday, 4/2

Today we did activity 1 on p 215. We did lots of measurements (hand span, wrist to elbow, tip of middle finger to tip of middle finger of the other hand, height) and reaction time using a meter stick. We are trying to see if there's a correlation between some of these measurements and our reaction time.

Monday, we will be "treating" some petri dishes with bacteria from our hands and will then swab them with some antibacterial products to see which products are most effective.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday, 3/31 Peppered Moth day!

Today, we did a simulation of natural selection and the changes the peppered moths have gone through!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday, 3/30/10

Today, we finished the bridge projects. The reading was pp 208-212 and tomorrow we do the Peppered Moths activity (Activity 1). We tried the PTC paper and out of the 26 of us who were present, 14 could taste the bitter taste and 12 couldn't.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Today was the day! It was well attended. We had Jeff Lockwood, one of the authors of our textbook, our superintendent, Mr. Perzanosky, Mr. Paige, Mr. Wallace, Ms. Cushman, Mrs. Skorapa, Mr. Bartlett, Mrs. Palopoli, Mrs. Cullen, and others! The presentations were very professional and WE LOOKED PROFESSIONAL! (See photo!)

We need a couple of people to make some thank you cards for our guests, photos, etc. We should also thank Mr. Lockwood and while we're doing it, Mr. Page (Chemistry professor!) who taught us about chemistry!

Go to to see another example of the importance of collecting data similar to what you did in terms of astrobiology!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday, 3/24 Presentation Day Cometh!

Only one more day in class to work on our presentations of our long-term observations on Friday. We have some distinguished guests...Dr. Lockwood, Mr. Perzanoski, our superintendent, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Paige, Mrs. Eggleston from Lockheed-Martin, who was instrumental in getting the course for the junior high, possibly high school science teachers, school board and maybe others.

Students have collected a lot of awesome data from their sites! We're also bringing food. I'm bringing chocolate cake, Ms Kirkwood is bringing cupcakes, Teresa is bringing brownies and????


Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, 3/22 Constructed Response Day

Today, students did the constructed response for science. Students wrote about a science-related job. Tomorrow, students will incorporate their nine-week observation results into a presentation. One of the authors of our textbook, Dr. Jeff Lockwood, will visit to see our students' work. This will be set up like a science fair with students standing with their projects in case Dr. Lockwood has questions. It might be good to have a few projects set up Thursday night so that students can have more time for feedback. Dr. Lockwood will arrive at about 8 am THIS Friday, 3/26.

He will spend a little less than 30 minutes with us and will then go up to Ms. Ring's room to see their projects. The dress will be "professional" so we will dress up as if we were presenting at say, Johnson Space Center! I think some snacks would be great!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday, March 18th

Today, the system held up! Astro students were able to complete the NWEA's! Students left in the classroom along with students in 2nd period science AND students during lunch were able to cut out moths for activity 1 in Chapter 7! There's no school for students tomorrow, so on Monday, students will do the constructed response.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday, 3/16/10

Today, we estimated the size of nanobacteria, bacteria, viruses, and eukaryote cells. We found that if the virus was about 4 cm in size, the eukaryote would be longer than a school bus, 2 cars back to back, Eartha, and the arm of the Statue of Liberty! How's that for size!?

Tomorrow, most will be taking the NWEA again and then we'll be doing the constructed response. We will continue to work on our long-term research and starting to think in terms of our presentations on Friday, March 26th to Dr. Lockwood. Can you identify Zach's critter below? Start thinking about this and the field guide pages from your site. We will make a book for the class (maybe we could bind it and put it in the library??)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 15th - CELL-A-BRATION DAY!!!

Today, we cell-a-brated our cell projects. We went to different parts of the building (mostly the library) and used Photobooth to film our projects, then reconvened to the classroom, where the table was set for our FEAST.

It was good (but not for my diet!)

Tomorrow, we will be doing the constructed response for science in all science classes and will be comparing a virus, to a nanobacteria, and eukaryote. Wednesday, Astro will do the constructed response. You only need to bring a pencil on Wednesday, but a pencil AND calculator tomorrow!

PS The cell projects were awesome AND delicious, but very, very BAD on my DIET! :)
PPS Hi, Will!

Friday, March 12, 2010

It's FRIDAY! TGIF!!!!!

Today, in astrobiology, we worked on both our cell projects and our bridges. Anna is still in first place, with Jason B in second and Grace & Samm in third.

Our "cell-e-bration" will be on Monday. Most of the cell models are edible, so students will go away (mostly to the library) and will film their Cells using Photobooth (for 25 minutes) and will then regroup in Room 102 where we will partake of the delicious cells! Ms. Bowen and Ms. Kirkwood will bring the soda. The executive summaries will be due on Tuesday.

Can't wait! We'll save a little for you, Will!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday, March 11th - BRIDGE & CELL DAY!

Today, we tested our bridges. Anna is the CHAMP! We cleaned out every weight we could from everywhere and her bridge withstood everything! We even stopped recording the total weights! No one in the other classes have come close! I'll try to insert a video that Julia took of Anna's bridge finally collapsing! I'll also try to add a slideshow of some of the other bridges.

Our cell projects are due on Monday. Most are edible, so will take photos of them, too!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Today, the BHS counselors were here to help us sign up for our high school classes. Everyone is really excited!

But, the BEST news of all is that you, William, are out of the hospital! I'm about to email you back to give you the URL for our Astrobiology BLOG, so figured I'd add in what we did today.

Tomorrow, we are doing the bridge project, so we'll take pictures and will put some on the blog.

WELCOME HOME, WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, March 8th - post fire alarm!

The due date for the cell models and executive summaries is Monday, 3/15. Most groups have chosen to make edible cells (i.e. pizza, pie, cake, jello, etc.) and they are working in teams of 2. The rubric for this project is on pp 18-183 We had today and will have Tuesday and Friday in class to work. Thursday, the bridge project is due. For a descriptor of the bridge project, go to Wednesday, the BHS counselors will be in science classes to help choose high school classes. For the course of study book you'll be working with, go to and you can download a copy.

Monday, Monday! March 8th

Today, the assignment was to do the challenge for Chapter 6. Groups of 2 will create both a prokaryote and eukaryote cell and will write an "executive summary" about the 2 models.

We are still working on our long-term observation sites in preparation for our field guide for Astrobiology 2010. These will be presented before one of the authors of the book, Dr. Jeff Lockwood on March 26th.

I'm going to try to insert diagrams of both types of cells.

If you are reading this at some point, HI, WILL!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

This is day 2 of our Astro blog. The photos are of one of our photosynthesis experiments. We left geranium leaves in sunlight and some covered in black paper. We soaked the leaves in warm alcohol and then tested them for the presence of starch (indicating that photosynthesis had taken place) with iodine. The leaf left in the sun tested positive for starch! Very cool!

Today, we are sketching cells,checking in for our long term observations, and finishing the photosynthesis experiments...multitasking!

Will, your group is going to "take you to the site" to show you what's going on!

We miss you and are thinking about you!

Oh, and the other photo is our lit block group. We're reading Home of the Braves.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This is a test!

I have no clue what I'm doing, but we'll see if anyone can see this tomorrow! Right now, in astro, we are doing a lot of things. The halfway point for our Long-Term Observation is now. You should also be sketching a good variety of cells. We also need to test our photosynthesis set ups for the presence of starch.

If this gets to you, William, this is a way we thought we could have a record of what we're doing in astro to kind of keep you caught up until you return. We miss you and can't wait to have you join us again.!

Our lit block

Our lit block