Calling All Aliens!

Calling All Aliens!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday, 5/27

Today we were visited by an alien being that we, henceforth named "Fred." We tood MANY photographs of our alien, Fred, for you to observe. We also came into possession of a strange metal sphere....a perfect sphere. It is a mystery we must solve....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, 5/18

Today, we had a special guest speaker, Dr. Monroe Duboise of the University of Southern Maine. He spoke to us about his research in viruses and extremophiles and showed us photos taken with his scanning electron microscope. He wants to come back and bring his portable SEM!

Thanks, Dr. Duboise!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday, 5/11/10

Today, we looked at lunar habitability AND the REAL pieces of the moon! Everyone is working on their symposium projects, but we also are doing activities for each of the chapters of the book.

We also have another guest speaker next Tuesday, 5/18. His name is Dr. Monroe Duboise. I would like all students to look him up to get an idea of the type of research he does so that we can ask some intelligent questions! :)

PS The mural looks great!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3rd

Hi Will,

Have a BLAST in China! We'll miss you!

Ms. B

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Planning time 4/25

This week, we will be planning, in detail for the Symposium on June 4th. We will also be studying the history of life on Earth using a timeline. Take a look at our new plant growth chamber in back of the room. Don't forget to bring in egg crates or those little plant pots that a "pony pack of plants" come in!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday, 4/14

I haven' t been very good about keeping up the blog....but for a GOOD reason....WILL'S BACK! We are so happy, too! We are now doing our proposals for our 2nd Annual Astrobiology Symposium. We have 2 authors of our textbook will be sharing our final projects (a sort of "final exam" for Astro) along with many principals (BJHS, BHS, and Coffin), and other dignitaries. The date will be Friday, June 4th during 1st and part of 2nd period in the BJHS gym.

We can't WAIT!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday, 4/2

Today we did activity 1 on p 215. We did lots of measurements (hand span, wrist to elbow, tip of middle finger to tip of middle finger of the other hand, height) and reaction time using a meter stick. We are trying to see if there's a correlation between some of these measurements and our reaction time.

Monday, we will be "treating" some petri dishes with bacteria from our hands and will then swab them with some antibacterial products to see which products are most effective.

Our lit block

Our lit block